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Monday, March 15, 2010

I just wanna say...

So, I didn't sleep very well last night. I was having these really bad pelvic pains all through the night! I told Aaron they felt like the baby was trying to push her head through whenever (I'm still having them a bit) I bend over or squat--but even when I was tring to sleep they were there! Not very fun. Anyone know what they are?

And, I just wanna say--I really hate clothing!! GAH! Right now I feel like ripping them off, they're just so uncomfortable. Pregnant women should not be expected to wear so much clothing. It just isn't fair. lol Maybe I shouldn't blog when I haven't gotten much sleep. It's like an online ranting opportunity!

Let's see... what else can I complain about... OH!! Someone keeps stealing my tissue box at work! What the deuce, leave it alone! BYOT!! (Bring your own tissue) i think I know who it is too, but he's not in the office right now so I can't chew him out. Dang it.

Anyways, everyone is going to think I'm crazy if I keep going on like this. lol Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. I remember getting those uncomfortable pains in both of my pregnancies. They are very normal. I hope...I'm not exactly sure what they are, but my doctor told me that they are just growing pains as the baby is getting so big that she has very little room to grow or move, therefor the feelings are simply stretching and pressure pains from babies movements. OR...they could also be that your pelvic area is getting itself ready for baby to push through, so it is begining to soften and stretch. Get used to the lack of comfort, Rachelle! It only gets worse from here! LOL! Hang on and just rememeber that the outcome makes it all worth while! Those pains dissapear as soon as your little girl is in your arms!

    As for the want to be naked...DO IT! Turn up your heat and get naked! LOL! I also hated clothes and I would find every excuse to have as little clothing on as I could! Just make sure you don't head to the grocery store that way or anything! LOL!

    Hope you are feeling well, other than that! Keep that baby happy! She's almost here!
